In addition to these, fugitive emissions i.e. hydrochlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs and HFCs) and other gases from air conditioning systems are also considered and converted into kg of CO2 equivalent.
For atmospheric emissions as well, use is made of the GHG Protocol approach, distinguishing between direct or Scope1 emissions (use of fossil fuels for transport, heating, power generation and fugitive emissions), indirect or Scope2 emissions (purchase of electricity for industrial and civil use) and other indirect or Scope3 emissions. Unless otherwise stated, the atmospheric emission figures given here have been calculated based on the updated coefficients made available by the GHG Protocol. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) emissions are negligible.
Information on Group’s emissions, strategy, measures, management of climate change related risks and opportunities are also communicated every year to stakeholders through the CDP Climate Change questionnaire.
Carbon Intensity Indicator
TIM also measures the “Carbon Intensity” of its Domestic BU by using an indicator that establishes a relationship between the company’s direct and indirect operational CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), measured in kg and generated by Company’s activities), with the service offered to the customers (Tbits transmitted).
The factors taken into consideration are the amount of data and voice traffic of the fixed/mobile network and direct emissions produced by using fossil fuels for heating, vehicles and self-production of electrical energy together with indirect emissions due to purchase and consumption of electrical energy from grid.
In 2020 the value of the indicator fell by more than 42% compared to 2019 and by more than 52% compared to 2018. The increase of traffic combined with policies to contain consumption already in place in TIM are factors that in 2020 were further strengthened by Covid-19 pandemic
For the next years, TIM proposes the following target values:
2021: 3,7 kg CO2e/Tbit
2022: 3,2 kg CO2e/Tbit
2023: 2,6 kg CO2e/Tbit
2024: 2,2 kg CO2e/Tbit
2025: 1,7 kg CO2e/Tbit
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